Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mamma Patton

Waking up out of bed not ready to go to school, not knowing where my other shoe was, and not having all my homework finished was my typical morning in high school.  While I was rushing around, stressing out about what to wear my mom would quietly be downstairs reading her Bible.  Having two teen girls at the same time could not have been easy.  Mom always made a point to spend time with God no matter how early she had to wake up.  She would always encourage us to do the same and most mornings she would share with us what God had put in her heart that morning.  Sometimes with all the chaos my mom would wake up extra early and spend her quiet time in the bathroom where she knew she probably wouldn't be interrupted.

If I could pick someone to follow in their footsteps as a christian example it would have to be my mom.  Ever since I can remember we have been going to church, reading the Bible, praying together as a family, and inviting people into our home.  With my dad being a football coach he had several players through out the years who would get homesick or even get in trouble.  Mamma Patton or Mamma P as they call her, would always have a meal cooked or an ear for advice, and yes she even showed some of them some very tough love that my sister and I knew all too well.

My mom has always been a working mom, working very long hours and I know sometimes felt very guilty that she wasn't as "present" as other moms.  But I would rather have my mom over anyone else any day.  I am blessed beyond measures to have such a strong christian example in my life and also a close friend.

I am writing this blog because today is her birthday and I would love for some of her friends or anybody that she has touched in this life to share their story.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMMA P!!!