Maybe it's because I always feel short and chubby without high heels. The only time I ever wear flats are paired with a cute short dress, or maybe some rainbows with some shorts on a really hot day (but rarely).
I love the natural preppy look that for some reason I can never pull off or feel comfortable wearing. But give me GLAM and viola...I'm in my own skin. Unfortunately for me the glam look unlike the AE look is not everyday attire for my current job and town.
This Christmas when my sister came home from school we were getting ready together to go to my grandmothers house. I had thrown on heels and a dress and she had on comfy jeans and a t-shirt. She felt that I was too dressed up for lunch with the family. So I tried throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as well. Unfortunately most of my jeans are fitted for me to wear with heels. I tried on two other pair that were short enough but then I did not have the right shoes! I refuse to wear tennis shoes with jeans...ugh. I ended up throwing on a velor jumpsuit so i wouldn't be "too" dressed up. Next time I will save myself the trouble and stick with what I know looks good on me.
So when you see me and you ask me why I am so dressed up today?? It's not because I want the attention or I try too hard....but because of the simple fact the clothes others wear just don't look good on me.
I always think you look good, Stetson!