On my way to work the sky was the lightest lightest shade of baby blue with enormous fluffy white clouds. I turned the radio station to 106.9 the Light which is one of the best christian radio shows in our area. As I approached the turn lane coming out of my neighborhood I got so excited that the light was still green! I kept expecting for it to turn yellow since that seems like the normal pattern when I get to that stop, but it didn't. The next light I came to was also green..then the next one and the one after that and so on. Now I know this sounds like a "so what" scenario but sometimes I feel like I get caught by every red light on the street and in life, not this morning. I even managed to catch the green light at the hospital that takes days to change to that lovely shade of bright green. I was in a great mood and I had made it to work early!
When I arrived in the parking lot I took the time to bow my head and thank the Lord for my very relaxing very enjoyable ride to work. Then He reminded me of a saying that my dad always uses at the end of signing birthday cards for people or anniversary cards to my mom. The saying goes "May you always have blue skies, green lights, and Jesus Christ." On this particular Tuesday morning I had it all!!! And now I understand why that saying means so much...because at the end of the day it all comes down the the little things in life that can make someone so happy. Life is too short to worry or stress about anything. I am thankful that God has a plan for me and I do have the love of Jesus Christ in my heart.
So today as you are worrying about the future or stressing over what you have to get done before the weekend I encourage you to take time and thank God for the small blessings He has given you today that might have gone unnoticed.
May you always have blue skies, green lights, and Jesus Christ